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Soft Tissue Support Pack

Clinical Applications

  • Supports Healthy Tendon and Ligament Function
  • Maintains Normal Inflammatory Balance
  • Addresses Post-Workout Muscle Tightness
  • Promotes Normal Tissue Recovery and Repair

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s immune response, a cascade triggered to protect the body and maintain normal tissue repair. Soft Tissue Support Pack provides a full spectrum of botanicals, enzymes and micronutrient factors to maintain normal inflammatory balance and address discomfort of ligaments and tendons from exercise. Soft Tissue Support Pack includes the following supplements: 2 Traumeric capsules, 2 Vascuzyme tablets, 2 GABAnol capsules and 1 C-Flav capsule.

Suggested Use:

1 packet per day or as recommended by your health care professional. Best if taken on an empty stomach; take closer to a meal to improve tolerance.


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