
Don’t get all broken up about your injury, we are here to help!

When someone fractures (breaks) a bone, tears a muscle or ligament, or dislocates a joint many times their first thought is, “am I going to need surgery?” Fortunately, most of these injuries (roughly 90% of them), do not require surgery! As a sports medicine physician Dr. Clearfield has extensive training in the evaluation and management of acute and chronic orthopedic injuries and conditions. At the same time, if he feels your injury or condition requires the care of an orthopedic surgeon or other specialist, he will gladly refer/arrange for you to get in to be seen by one. At Motion is Medicine we have the ability to cast, brace, or splint your injury. We also carry numerous high-quality durable medical equipment (DME) from Don Joy Orthopedics to help treat your injury. We offer solutions for treating acute and chronic orthopedic injuries and conditions using OMT, nerve-based procedures, regenerative injection therapies, and many other treatments that help relieve pain and improve long-term function. We can often get you in to be seen on the same or next day you contact us, so give us a call today to get you moving again!

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